Notice to users

EUBREWNET observations are free but you need to be registered and logged in to access and download data. Proceed to log in below or click here to register.


Recommended guidelines for data use and publication:

The data at EUBREWNET are provided by the stations affiliated to the network. Each station has a Principal Investigator(s) (PI), responsible for the deployment, maintenance and data collection. This PI has priority use of the data collected at the site and is entitled to be informed of any other use of that site data. Please find the PI contact information under the section ‘Brewer info’ of each instruments main page.

Although there is no universal policy concerning journal paper authorship and acknowledgement, the EUBREWNET contributors ask you to make every practical attempt to honour the following general guidelines.

  1. Using EUBREWNET data: Please consult with the PI(s) of the data to be used.

  2. Referencing: Always reference the website ( for any publications.

  3. Publishing EUBREWNET data from up to 10 sites: Please consider authorship for the PI(s) and/or the following acknowledgement:

    We thank the European Brewer Network ( for providing access to the data and “Project(s)/PI(s)” for “its/his/her/their” effort in establishing and maintaining the “site name(s)” site(s).

  4. Publishing data from more than 10 sites: A general acknowledgement is typically sufficient and may read:

    We thank the European Brewer Network ( for providing access to the data and the PI investigators and their staff for establishing and maintaining the “#” sites used in this investigation.

However, if the EUBREWNET data are a principal component of the paper then co-authorship to PI's should be offered.

Summary of data access:

  • Level 0 (Raw) Data are available to the IP
  • Level 1 (Preliminary) are available to data providers
  • Level 1.5 (Real time) and above is available to registered users
  • Daily Level 1.6 (Consolidated) and 2.0 (Final) are also available at the WOUDC by selecting Dataset → Related Data Centres → EUBREWNET