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Products Description

Referenced tables in Eubrewnet:

  • db.brewer_t: Brewer main table
  • db.b_t: B files table
  • db.b_ds_t: Individual Direct Sun measures in B files
  • db.b_ds_summary_t: Direct Sun Summaries in B files
  • db.icf_t: ICF files table
  • db.configs_t: Uploaded by operators configurations table
  • ozone_product_1_0: Level 1 Ozone Product Table
  • ozone_product_1_5: Level 1.5 Ozone Product Table
  • ozone_product_2_0: Level 2.0 Ozone Product Table

Level 1

Ozone Level 1

ozone_product_1_0 Table
Field Description Unit Reference
brewerid Brewer identification number db.brewer_t
gmt UT time of the measure in ISO 8601 format GMT ISO 8601
configid Configuration identification Numer db.configs_t
n_sum Index of the daily summary
date_index Continuous date index (0.0 = 0000-00-00T00:00:00Z) based in Matlab datenum days + 366 + db.b_ds_t.mmmm_gmt / SECONDS_IN_A_DAY
sza Solar zenith angle using time function Degrees Brewer Python Module (Solar Zenith Angle)
airmass Calculated airmass using time function Brewer Python Module (Brewer Airmass)
temperature Instrument temperature Degrees db.b_ds_summary_t.temp
filt Applied neutral density filter db.b_ds_t.nd_filter_position / 64
o3 Calculated Ozone value with Standard algorithm + attenuation filter correction Ozone Level 1 Dobson Units Brewer Python Module (o3_so2)
std_o3 Standard deviation of the group of measures Dobson Units Brewer Operator Manual (Section 9.2.6)
so2 Calculated so2 value with Standard algorithm + attenuation filter correction Dobson Units Ozone Level 1
std_so2 Standard deviation of the group of measures Dobson Units Brewer Operator Manual (Section 9.2.6)
latitude Latitude of the Brewer Location Degrees db.b_t, db.configs_t
longitude Longitude of the Brewer Location Degrees db.b_t, db.configs_t
press Medium Pressure of the Brewer Location Milibars db.b_t, db.configs_t
configdate UT Date of the used configuration in ISO 8601 format GMT db.b_t, db.configs_t
configtype Type of the used configuration: B header(1), ICF (2), Config (3) db.b_t, db.icf_t db.configs_t
process_date Date and time when the product was processed GMT
ms8 First double ratio Brewer Python Module (o3_so2)
ms9 Second double ratio Brewer Python Module (o3_so2)
f1 Corrected Operational-Wavelength counts per second for slit 1 (includes only instrumental corrections, does not include the Rayleigh correction) Brewer Operator Manual (Appendix G)
f2 Corrected Operational-Wavelength counts per second for slit 2 (includes only instrumental corrections, does not include the Rayleigh correction) Brewer Operator Manual (Appendix G)
f3 Corrected Operational-Wavelength counts per second for slit 3 (includes only instrumental corrections, does not include the Rayleigh correction) Brewer Operator Manual (Appendix G)
f4 Corrected Operational-Wavelength counts per second for slit 4 (includes only instrumental corrections, does not include the Rayleigh correction) Brewer Operator Manual (Appendix G)
f5 Corrected Operational-Wavelength counts per second for slit 5 (includes only instrumental corrections, does not include the Rayleigh correction) Brewer Operator Manual (Appendix G)

ISO 8601|

Level 1.5

Ozone Level 1.5

ozone_product_1_5 Table
Field Description Unit Reference
brewerid Brewer identification number db.brewer_t
gmt UT time of the measure in ISO 8601 format GMT ISO 8601
configid Configuration identification Numer db.configs_t
n_sum Index of the daily summary
date_index Continuous date index (1.0 = 0001-01-01T00:00:00Z) based in python date.toordinal days + db.b_ds_t.mmmm_gmt / SECONDS_IN_A_DAY
sza Solar zenith angle using time function Degrees Brewer Python Module (Solar Zenith Angle)
airmass Calculated airmass using time function Brewer Python Module (Brewer Airmass)
temperature Instrument temperature Degrees db.b_ds_summary_t.temp
filt Applied neutral density filter db.b_ds_t.nd_filter_position / 64
o3 Calculated Ozone value with Standard algorithm + attenuation filter correction + config corrections Ozone Level 1.5 Dobson Units Brewer Python Module (o3_so2_sl)
std_o3 Standard deviation of the group of measures Dobson Units Brewer Operator Manual (Section 9.2.6)
so2 Calculated so2 value with Standard algorithm + attenuation filter correction Ozone Level 1.5 Dobson Units Brewer Python Module (o3_so2_sl)
std_so2 Standard deviation of the group of measures Dobson Units Brewer Operator Manual (Section 9.2.6)
latitude Latitude of the Brewer Location Degrees db.b_t, db.configs_t
longitude Longitude of the Brewer Location Degrees db.b_t, db.configs_t
press Medium Pressure of the Brewer Location Milibars db.b_t, db.configs_t
o3_0 Calculated Ozone value with Standard algorithm + attenuation filter correction Ozone Level 1 Dobson Units Brewer Python Module (o3_so2)
so2_0 Calculated so2 value with Standard algorithm + attenuation filter correction Ozone Level 1 Dobson Units Brewer Python Module (o3_so2)
r6 Standard Lamp Double Ratio 2 Brewer Python Module (Triangular Moving Average)
r6_ref Ozone value for Standard Lamp of Reference (Double Ratio 2) db.configs_t.r6_ref
r5 Standard Lamp Double Ratio 1 Brewer Python Module (Triangular Moving Average)
r5_ref Ozone value for Standard Lamp of Reference (Double Ratio 1) db.configs_t.r5_ref
filter_flag APPLIED FLAGS: HG Filter, Max Airmass, O3 std (1 means True) Level 1.5 Realtime Observation
correction_flag APPLIED CORRECTIONS: Straylight, ETC Correction, Standard Lamp correction(1 means True) Level 1.5 Realtime Observation
configdate UT Date of the used configuration in ISO 8601 format GMT db.b_t, db.configs_t
configtype Type of the used configuration: B header(1), ICF (2), Config (3) db.b_t, db.icf_t db.configs_t
process_date Date and time when the product was processed GMT ISO 8601

Level 2.0

Ozone Level 2.0

ozone_product_2_0 Table
Field Description Unit Reference
brewerid Brewer identification number db.brewer_t
configid Configuration identification Numer db.configs_t
n_sum Index of the daily summary
gmt UT time of the measure in ISO 8601 format GMT ISO 8601
date_index Continuous date index (1.0 = 0001-01-01T00:00:00Z) based in python date.toordinal days + db.b_ds_t.mmmm_gmt / SECONDS_IN_A_DAY
sza Solar zenith angle using time function Degrees Brewer Python Module (Solar Zenith Angle)
airmass Calculated airmass using time function Brewer Python Module (Brewer Airmass)
temperature Instrument temperature Degrees db.b_ds_summary_t.temp
filt Applied neutral density filter db.b_ds_t.nd_filter_position / 64
o3_0 Calculated Ozone value with Standard algorithm + attenuation filter correction Ozone Level 1 Dobson Units Brewer Python Module (o3_so2)
so2_0 Calculated so2 value with Standard algorithm + attenuation filter correction Ozone Level 1 Dobson Units Brewer Python Module (o3_so2)
o3 Calculated Ozone value with Standard algorithm + attenuation filter correction + config corrections Ozone Level 2.0 Dobson Units Brewer Python Module (o3_so2_sl)
std_o3 Standard deviation of the group of measures Dobson Units Brewer Operator Manual (Section 9.2.6)
so2 Calculated so2 value with Standard algorithm + attenuation filter correction Ozone Level 1.5 Dobson Units Brewer Python Module (o3_so2_sl)
std_so2 Standard deviation of the group of measures Dobson Units Brewer Operator Manual (Section 9.2.6)
r6 Standard Lamp Double Ratio 2 Brewer Python Module (Triangular Moving Average)
r6_ref Ozone value for Standard Lamp of Reference (Double Ratio 2) db.configs_t.r6_ref
r5 Standard Lamp Double Ratio 1 Brewer Python Module (Triangular Moving Average)
r5_ref Ozone value for Standard Lamp of Reference (Double Ratio 1) db.configs_t.r5_ref
latitude Latitude of the Brewer Location Degrees db.b_t, db.configs_t
longitude Longitude of the Brewer Location Degrees db.b_t, db.configs_t
press Medium Pressure of the Brewer Location Milibars db.b_t, db.configs_t
configdate UT Date of the used configuration in ISO 8601 format GMT db.b_t, db.configs_t
configtype Type of the used configuration: B header(1), ICF (2), Config (3) db.b_t, db.icf_t db.configs_t
filter_flag APPLIED FLAGS: HG Filter, Max Airmass, O3 std (1 means True) Level 1.5 Realtime Observation
correction_flag APPLIED CORRECTIONS: Straylight, ETC Correction, Standard Lamp correction(1 means True) Level 1.5 Realtime Observation
process_date Date and time when the product was processed GMT ISO 8601
codes/productsdescription.txt · Last modified: 2016/03/29 13:31 by bhcruz