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AOD Access Functions

This pages describes AOD-specific access functions. For a general overview of EUBREWNET's access functions, as well as a description of common inputs, see the wiki page on the ozone access functions



Besides the common formats described here, the jsona format can also be used to produce 2d arrays for the aod_l and std_aod_l variables, see this example


The output of the GET functions is stored in Eubrewnet's database, from where it's retrieved on each function call with little further processing. They are faster than their equivalent PROCESS functions, which process the data in real time, usually starting from the previous level. Whenever possible, GET functions should be used instead of the PROCESS equivalents.

Function Short Description Long Description Link
JG Returns the raw, L0 data from the JG measurements as measured by the Brewer JG Get JG
JL Returns the raw, L0 data from the JL measurements as measured by the Brewer JL Get JL
AODL1_5 Returns the Aerosol Optical Depth Level 1.5 product AODL1_5 Get AODL1_5
AODL1_5byStation For the selected station, returns the Aerosol Optical Depth Level 1.5 product AODL1_5byStation Get AODL1_5byStation

Get JG

Get JL


Get AODL1_5

  • Function: AODL1_5
  • Description: returns Aerosol Optical Depth summaries for the wavelengths considered – as of October 2020, counts are taken from DS measurements so the AOD is calculated for the six wavelengths at approx. 303, 306, 310, 313, 317, and 320 nm, provided a calibration exists for each of them. For the the Ozone contribution to the AOD, the O3L1.5 data is used. For full details of the AOD determination, see J. López-Solano et al., Atmos. Chem. Phys. 18, 3885–3902 (2018). An operative AOD configuration must be available for the requested period.
  • Input:
    1. format: see common formats and jsona format
    2. means: see means
  • Output: the following AOD-specific fields are included in the standard output alongside the other usual ones (Brewer ID, pressure, sza, …):
    1. aodconfigid: ID of the AOD configuration used in the calculation
    2. aodconfigdate: date of the AOD configuration used in the calculation
    3. wavelengths_i: wavelength i, in nm. As of October 2020, counts are taken from DS measurements so the AOD is calculated for the six wavelengths at approx. 303, 306, 310, 313, 317, and 320 nm
    4. aod_i: AOD for the wavelength i
    5. std_aod_i: standard deviation of the AOD summaries at wavelength i

Note: the airmass field corresponds to the aerosol airmass, which is currently approximated by the Rayleigh airmass.

Get AODL1_5byStation


Function Description Help Example
JGL1 Returns Level 1 JG corrected counts (dark counts, dead time, temperature, and filter attenuation) JGL1 Process AODL1JG
AODL1 Returns Level 1 DS corrected counts (dark counts, dead time, temperature, filter attenuation, Sun-Earth distance, and polarization) AODL1 Process AODL1
AODL1JG Returns Level 1 JG corrected counts AODL1JG Process AODL1JG
AODL1ALL Returns Level 1 DS and JG corrected counts AODL1ALL Process AODL1_5ALL
AODL1_5 Returns Level 1.5 AOD AODL1_5 Process AODL1_5
AODL1_5JG Returns Level 1.5 AOD from JG measurements AODL1_5JG Process AODL1_5JG
AODL1_5ALL Returns Level 1.5 AOD from DS and JG measurements AODL1_5ALL Process AODL1_5ALL

AOD Filter Flags

Flag name Flag value Description
FLAG_AOD_STD_FILT 1 The standard deviation of the AOD summaries is > 0.02
FLAG_AOD_AIRMASS_FILT 2 The airmass is larger than some threshold value (Nov 2020: not in use yet)
FLAG_AOD_BLACKLIST 32 Date in the exclusion list
FLAG_AOD_BAD_OZONE_FILT 64 The ozone data does not have a filter_flag of 0

Process JGL1

Process AODL1

Process AODL1JG

Process AODL1ALL

Process AODL1_5

  • Function: AODL1_5
  • Description: returns Aerosol Optical Depth summaries for the wavelengths considered – as of October 2020, counts are taken from DS measurements so the AOD is calculated for the six wavelengths at approx. 303, 306, 310, 313, 317, and 320 nm, provided a calibration exists for each of them. For the the Ozone contribution to the AOD, the O3L1.5 data is used. For full details of the AOD determination, see J. López-Solano et al., Atmos. Chem. Phys. 18, 3885–3902 (2018). An operative AOD configuration must be available for the requested period.
  • Input:
    1. format: see common formats and jsona format
    2. debug: returns additional information, including separate contributions to the AOD from the Ozone, Rayleigh, and counts.
    3. rejected: returns all the individual measurements, including those rejected. As in the case of Ozone, the cause for rejection is coded in the aod_filter_flag fields – the values are analogue to those of the Ozone filter flag, see this table
    4. showerrors: displays errors found during the calculation.
    5. means: see means
  • Output: the following AOD-specific fields are included in the standard output alongside the other usual ones (Brewer ID, pressure, sza, …):
    1. aodconfigid: ID of the AOD configuration used in the calculation
    2. aodconfigdate: date of the AOD configuration used in the calculation
    3. wavelengths_i: wavelength i, in nm. As of October 2020, counts are taken from DS measurements so the AOD is calculated for the six wavelengths at approx. 303, 306, 310, 313, 317, and 320 nm
    4. aod_i: AOD for the wavelength i
    5. std_aod_i: standard deviation of the AOD summaries at wavelength i

Process AODL1_5JG

Process AODL1_5ALL

codes/aodaccess.1715786725.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/05/15 15:25 by jlsolano