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UV Access Functions

This pages describes UV-specific access functions. For a general overview of EUBREWNET's access functions, as well as a description of common inputs, see the wiki page on the ozone access functions

See this poster for a short overview of the UV processing levels.

See this presentation for more details on the UV configuration. Note levels 1.6 and 2 were interchanged after this talk was presented: level 1.6 now corresponds to the cosine correction, and level 2, to the wavelength-shift correction.



Besides the formats described here, two further values can be passed in the URL to the format argument:

Format input Description Example
zip returns a zip with separate files for each scan; these separate files are written in the SHICrivm text format zip example
jsona spectral variables such as irr_l or aod_l, where l is the wavelength, are written together as single 2d arrays, with the first dimension as the date and time, and the second as the wavelength. The date and time are written in the gmt variable as usual, and wavelengths, in the new wavel variable jsona example


Beside the input options described in common_inputs, selected UV functions also support:

Parameter Description Example
time time in HH[:MM[:SS]] format, to select the time to start the UV processing in each day Process UV scans starting after 11:00:00
endtime time in HH[:MM[:SS]] format, to be used together with the time variable (see above) to select a time range in each day for the UV processing. If omitted, defaults to 23:59:59 Process UV scans starting after 11:00:00 and ending before 15:30:00


Function Description Help Example
uvscans Return available UV scans uvscans Get uvscans
compareuvtimes For two brewers, return the scans starting within some time delta compareuvtimes Get compareuvtimes
compareuv For two brewers, compare the irradiances for the scans starting within some time delta compareuv Get compareuv
uvrall return the start dates of all the operative configurations available in EUBREWNET for a specific Brewer uvrall Get uvrall
uvrbydate return the UVR operative in EUBREWNET for a specific Brewer and date uvrbydate Get uvrbydate
UVL0 return the raw counts measured by the Brewer UVL Get UVL0
UVL1 Returns Level 1 UV UVL1 Get UVL1
UVL1_5 Returns Level 1.5 UV UVL1_5 Get UVL1_5
UVL1_6 Returns Level 1.6 UV UVL1_6 Get UVL1_6
UVL2 Returns Level 2 UV UVL2 Get UVL2

Get uvrbydate

Get uvslitbydate

Get uvarfbydate

Get uvmeteoforadate

Get uvtempcorbydate

Get uvscans

Get compareuvtimes

  • Function: compareuvtimes
  • Description: This function lists the UV scans available in Eubrewnet in a date range, for two input Brewers.
  • Input:
    1. brewerid: this is the ID of the reference Brewer. This follows the format described in Brewerid in common inputs
    2. compid: this is the ID of the Brewer which is being compared to the reference Brewer
    3. format: see Format
    4. scans: a comma-separated list of UV scan types to list. If ommited, defaults to ux,ua,uv
    5. maxminutes: maximum difference between the scans of the two Brewers. If omitted, it defaults to 5 minutes
  • Output: besides the usual output, the following UV-specific fields are provided:
    1. scan and compscan: type of UV-scan (ua, ux, uv) of the two Brewers
    2. mmmm and compmmmm: decimal minutes from 00:00 to the start of the UV scan for the two Brewers
    3. deltaminutes: diference in decimal minutes between the starting times of the two UV scans

Get compareuv

  • Function: compareuv
  • Description: This function lists the irradiance ratios in a date range, for two input Brewers.
  • Input:
    1. brewerid: ID of the reference Brewer. This follows the format described in Brewerid in common inputs
    2. compid: ID of the Brewer which is being compared to the reference Brewer
    3. format: see Format
    4. scans: a comma-separated list of UV scan types to list. If ommited, defaults to ux,ua,uv
    5. maxminutes: maximum difference between the scans of the two Brewers. If omitted, it defaults to 5 minutes
    6. level: UV product level used to calculate the irradiances. If omitted, defaults to level 1
  • Output: besides the usual output, the following UV-specific fields are provided:
    1. scan and compscan: type of UV-scan (ua, ux, uv) of the two Brewers
    2. mmmm and compmmmm: decimal minutes from 00:00 to the start of the UV scan for the two Brewers
    3. deltaminutes: diference in decimal minutes between the starting times of the two UV scans
    4. ratio_l: where l=2865, 2870, …, 3630: ratio of compared to reference irradiances at the l wavelength

Get uvrall

  • Function: uvrall
  • Description: This function lists the start dates of the operative UV configurations available in EUBREWNET.
  • Input:
    1. brewerid: this is the ID of the reference Brewer. This follows the format described in Brewerid in common inputs
    2. format: see Format
  • Output: besides the usual output, the following UV-specific fields are provided:
    1. config_date: date at which the configuration becomes operative, in YYYYMMDD
    2. config_doy: same as above, but in JJJYY format, where JJJ is the day number of the year
    3. config_id: ID internally used by EUBREWNET to identify the configuration

Get uvrbydate

  • Function: uvrbydate
  • Description: This function lists the wavelengths and responsivites for the operative UV configuration at the requested date.
  • Input:
    1. brewerid: this is the ID of the reference Brewer. This follows the format described in Brewerid in common inputs
    2. date: date in YYYY-MM-DD format
    3. format: see Format
  • Output: besides the usual output, the following UV-specific fields are provided:
    1. config_date: date at which the configuration becomes operative, in YYYYMMDD
    2. config_id: ID internally used by EUBREWNET to identify the configuration
    3. wavelength: wavelength in Angstroms
    4. responsivity : responsivity in counts/mW/m2/nm

Get UVL0

Get UVL1

  • Function: UVL1
  • Description: converts the raw counts measured by the Brewer to irradiances (in W/m2/nm) using the operative UV response. An operative UV configuration with the UV response must be available for the requested period.
  • Input:
    1. scan: optional, use to select an scan type (ux, ua , or uv)
    2. format: see Format and UV format
    3. means: see means
  • Output: the following UV-specific fields are included in the standard output alongside the other usual ones (Brewer ID, config_date, config_id, pressure, …):
    1. mmmm: decimal minutes from 00:00 to the start of the UV scan
    2. scan: type of UV scan performed (uv, ux, ua, …)
    3. irr_l, where l=2865, 2870, …, 3630: irradiance at the l wavelength, in W/m2/nm
    4. mmmm_l: decimal minute from 00:00 at which the measurement at the l wavelength started
    5. duv and duv_cost: erythema-weighted UV irradiances, using the same method as in the standard Brewer software, and the method proposed during COST Action ES1207 (EUBREWNET)
    6. uvi and uvi_cost: UV indexes calculated as duv/25 and duv_cost/25
    7. correction_flag: flag with the corrections applied. In the level 1 UV product, only the straylight correction for non MK III Brewers is applied. For the complete list of corrections and their flag values see here

Get UVL1_5

  • Function: UVL1_5
  • Description: Starting from the level 1 UV product, spike and temperature corrections are applied to the irradiances. The spike correction is always applied if needed. For the temperature correction, an operative UV configuration with the Temperature correction coefficients must be available for the requested period. Output data is further filtered by the UV Exclusion List
  • Input:
    1. scan: optional, use to select an scan type (ux, ua , or uv)
    2. format: see Format and UV format
    3. means: see means
  • Output: the following UV-specific fields are included in the standard output alongside the other usual ones (Brewer ID, config_date, config_id, pressure, …):
    1. mmmm: decimal minutes from 00:00 to the start of the UV scan
    2. scan: type of UV scan performed (uv, ux, ua, …)
    3. irr_l, where l=2865, 2870, …, 3630: irradiance at the l wavelength, in W/m2/nm
    4. mmmm_l: decimal minute from 00:00 at which the measurement at the l wavelength started
    5. duv and duv_cost: erythema-weighted UV irradiances, using the same method as in the standard Brewer software, and the method proposed during COST Action ES1207 (EUBREWNET)
    6. uvi and uvi_cost: UV indexes calculated as duv/25 and duv_cost/25, respectively
    7. correction_flag: binary flag with the corrections applied. In the level 1.5 UV product, the spike and temperature correction may be applied. For the complete list of corrections and their flag values see here

Get UVL1_6

  • Function: UVL1_6
  • Description: Starting from the level 1.5 UV product, the cosine correction is applied to the irradiances.The cosine correction is calculated using the BUVIC (Brewer UV Irradiance Calculation) code, developed by J. Gröbner and B. Maret at the PMOD/WRC in 2020, and available at An operative UV configuration with the Cosine correction data must be available for the requested period, otherwise level 1.5 data is returned. As in the case of level 1.5, output data is further filtered by the UV Exclusion List
  • Input:
    1. scan: optional, use to select an scan type (ux, ua , or uv)
    2. format: see Format and UV format
    3. means: see means
  • Output: the following UV-specific fields are included in the standard output alongside the other usual ones (Brewer ID, config_date, config_id, pressure, …):
    1. mmmm: decimal minutes from 00:00 to the start of the UV scan
    2. scan: type of UV scan performed (uv, ux, ua, …)
    3. irr_l, where l=2865, 2870, …, 3630: irradiance at the l wavelength, in W/m2/nm
    4. mmmm_l: decimal minute from 00:00 at which the measurement at the l wavelength started
    5. duv and duv_cost: erythema-weighted UV irradiances, using the same method as in the standard Brewer software, and the method proposed during COST Action ES1207 (EUBREWNET)
    6. uvi and uvi_cost: UV indexes calculated as duv/25 and duv_cost/25, respectively
    7. correction_flag: binary flag with the corrections applied. In the level 2 UV product, either a clear sky or a diffuse cosine correction may be applied. For the complete list of corrections and their flag values see here

Get UVL2

  • Function: UVL2
  • Description: Starting from the level 1.6 UV product, process the data using the SHICRIVM code developed by Harry Slaper at the National Institute of Public Health and the Environment (RIVM). Shift-corrected irradiances are calculated using the slit function defined in the operative UV configuration. Output data is further filtered by SHICRIVM's QA/QC, retaining only measurements with GREEN and YELLOW flags. As in the case of level 1.6, output data is further filtered by the UV Exclusion List
  • Input:
    1. scan: optional, use to select an scan type (ux, ua , or uv)
    2. format: see Format and UV format
    3. means: see means
  • Output: the following UV-specific fields are included in the standard output alongside the other usual ones (Brewer ID, config_date, config_id, pressure, …):
    1. mmmm: decimal minutes from 00:00 to the start of the UV scan
    2. scan: type of UV scan performed (uv, ux, ua, …)
    3. irr_l, where l=2865, 2870, …, 3630: shift-corrected irradiance for the Brewer slit function at the l wavelength, in W/m2/nm. Corresponds to the Irr instr output of SHICRIVM.
    4. irr_st_l, where l=2865, 2870, …, 3630: shift-corrected irradiance for a standard triangular slit function at the l wavelength, in W/m2/nm. Corresponds to the Irr st output of SHICRIVM.
    5. shift_l: wavelength shifts calculated by SHICRIVM
    6. mmmm_l: decimal minute from 00:00 at which the measurement at the l wavelength started
    7. duv and duv_cost: erythema-weighted UV irradiances, using the same method as in the standard Brewer software, and the method proposed during COST Action ES1207 (EUBREWNET)
    8. uvi and uvi_cost: UV indexes calculated as duv/25 and duv_cost/25, respectively
    9. correction_flag: binary flag with the corrections applied. For the complete list of corrections and their flag values see here


Function Description Help Example
UVL1 Returns Level 1 UV UVL1 Process UVL1
UVL1_5 Returns Level 1.5 UV UVL1_5 Process UVL1_5
UVL1_6 Returns Level 1.6 UV UVL1_6 Process UVL1_6
UVL2 Returns Level 2 UV UVL2 Process UVL2

UV Corrections Flag

The following table shows the complete list of UV-specific corrections and their flag values. The final flag value corresponds to the sum of all the individual flag values applied.

Flag name Flag value Description
FLAG_UV_STRAYLIGHT_COR 1 Straylight correction for non MK III Brewers has been applied in UVL1
FLAG_UV_SPIKES_COR 2 Spike correction has been applied in UVL1_5
FLAG_UV_TEMPERATURE_COR 4 Temperature correction has been applied in UVL1_5
FLAG_UV_COSINE_CLEARSKY_COR 8 Cosine correction in clear-sky conditions has been applied in UVL1_6
FLAG_UV_COSINE_DIFFUSE_COR 16 Cosine correction in cloudy conditions has been applied in UVL1_6
FLAG_UV_SHICRIVM_INSTR 32 Instrumental irradiances calculated with SHICRIVM in UVL2

UV Filter Flag

The following table shows the complete list of UV-specific data filters and their flag values. The final flag value corresponds to the sum of all the individual flag values applied.

Flag name Flag value Description
FLAG_UV_SHICRIVM_BLACK_GREY_RED 16 Observation flagged as black, grey or red by SHICRIVM in UVL2
FLAG_UV_BLACKLIST 32 Observation date and time is affected by the UV exclusion list and has been removed from UVL1.5, UVL1.6, and UVL2 products

Process UVL1

  • Function: UVL1
  • Description: converts the raw counts measured by the Brewer to irradiances (in W/m2/nm) using the operative UV response. An operative UV configuration with the UV response must be available for the requested period.
  • Input:
    1. scan: optional, use to select an scan type (ux, ua , or uv)
    2. format: see Format and UV format
    3. means: see means
  • Output: the following UV-specific fields are included in the standard output alongside the other usual ones (Brewer ID, config_date, config_id, pressure, …):
    1. mmmm: decimal minutes from 00:00 to the start of the UV scan
    2. scan: type of UV scan performed (uv, ux, ua, …)
    3. irr_l, where l=2865, 2870, …, 3630: irradiance at the l wavelength, in W/m2/nm
    4. mmmm_l: decimal minute from 00:00 at which the measurement at the l wavelength started
    5. duv and duv_cost: erythema-weighted UV irradiances, using the same method as in the standard Brewer software, and the method proposed during COST Action ES1207 (EUBREWNET)
    6. uvi and uvi_cost: UV indexes calculated as duv/25 and duv_cost/25
    7. correction_flag: flag with the corrections applied. In the level 1 UV product, only the straylight correction for non MK III Brewers is applied. For the complete list of corrections and their flag values see here
  • Debug output: if the debug argument is passed in the URL, this function additionally returns the following fields:
    1. count_l0_l: raw counts at wavelength l
    2. straylight_corr: straylight correction applied to non-MKIII Brewers

Process UVL1_5

  • Function: UVL1_5
  • Description: Starting from the level 1 UV product, spike and temperature corrections are applied to the irradiances. The spike correction is always applied if needed. For the temperature correction, an operative UV configuration with the Temperature correction coefficients must be available for the requested period. Output data is further filtered by the UV Exclusion List
  • Input:
    1. scan: optional, use to select an scan type (ux, ua , or uv)
    2. format: see Format and UV format
    3. means: see means
  • Output: the following UV-specific fields are included in the standard output alongside the other usual ones (Brewer ID, config_date, config_id, pressure, …):
    1. mmmm: decimal minutes from 00:00 to the start of the UV scan
    2. scan: type of UV scan performed (uv, ux, ua, …)
    3. irr_l, where l=2865, 2870, …, 3630: irradiance at the l wavelength, in W/m2/nm
    4. mmmm_l: decimal minute from 00:00 at which the measurement at the l wavelength started
    5. duv and duv_cost: erythema-weighted UV irradiances, using the same method as in the standard Brewer software, and the method proposed during COST Action ES1207 (EUBREWNET)
    6. uvi and uvi_cost: UV indexes calculated as duv/25 and duv_cost/25, respectively
    7. correction_flag: binary flag with the corrections applied. In the level 1.5 UV product, the spike and temperature correction may be applied. For the complete list of corrections and their flag values see here
  • Debug output: if the debug argument is passed in the URL, this function additionally returns the following fields:
    1. irr_l1_l: l1 irradiance at wavelength l
    2. wl_with_spikes: wavelengths in which spikes have been detected and corrected
  • Rejected output: if the rejected argument is passed in the URL, UVL1_5 also returns the observations inside the UV exclusion list, and aditionally returns the field:
    1. filter_flag: filter flag for each observation

Process UVL1_6

  • Function: UVL1_6
  • Description: Starting from the level 1.5 UV product, the cosine correction is applied to the irradiances.The cosine correction is calculated using the BUVIC (Brewer UV Irradiance Calculation) code, developed by J. Gröbner and B. Maret at the PMOD/WRC in 2020, and available at An operative UV configuration with the Cosine correction data must be available for the requested period, otherwise level 1.5 data is returned. As in the case of level 1.5, output data is further filtered by the UV Exclusion List
  • Input:
    1. scan: optional, use to select an scan type (ux, ua , or uv)
    2. format: see Format and UV format
    3. means: see means
  • Output: the following UV-specific fields are included in the standard output alongside the other usual ones (Brewer ID, config_date, config_id, pressure, …):
    1. mmmm: decimal minutes from 00:00 to the start of the UV scan
    2. scan: type of UV scan performed (uv, ux, ua, …)
    3. irr_l, where l=2865, 2870, …, 3630: irradiance at the l wavelength, in W/m2/nm
    4. mmmm_l: decimal minute from 00:00 at which the measurement at the l wavelength started
    5. duv and duv_cost: erythema-weighted UV irradiances, using the same method as in the standard Brewer software, and the method proposed during COST Action ES1207 (EUBREWNET)
    6. uvi and uvi_cost: UV indexes calculated as duv/25 and duv_cost/25, respectively
    7. correction_flag: binary flag with the corrections applied. In the level 2 UV product, either a clear sky or a diffuse cosine correction may be applied. For the complete list of corrections and their flag values see here
  • Debug output: if the debug argument is passed in the URL, this function additionally returns the following fields:
    1. irr_l15_l: L1.5 irradiance at wavelength l
    2. o3: ozone value used by BUVIC
    3. alpha: Angström's alpha used by BUVIC
    4. beta: Angström's beta used by BUVIC
    5. albedo: albedo vallue used by BUVIC
    6. cos_corr: type of cosine correction, either diffuse or clear_sky

Process UVL2

  • Function: UVL2
  • Description: Starting from the level 1.6 UV product, process the data using the SHICRIVM code developed by Harry Slaper at the National Institute of Public Health and the Environment (RIVM). Shift-corrected irradiances are calculated using the slit function defined in the operative UV configuration. Output data is further filtered by SHICRIVM's QA/QC, retaining only measurements with GREEN and YELLOW flags. As in the case of level 1.6, output data is further filtered by the UV Exclusion List
  • Input:
    1. scan: optional, use to select an scan type (ux, ua , or uv)
    2. format: see Format and UV format
    3. means: see means
  • Output: the following UV-specific fields are included in the standard output alongside the other usual ones (Brewer ID, config_date, config_id, pressure, …):
    1. mmmm: decimal minutes from 00:00 to the start of the UV scan
    2. scan: type of UV scan performed (uv, ux, ua, …)
    3. irr_l, where l=2865, 2870, …, 3630: shift-corrected irradiance for the Brewer slit function at the l wavelength, in W/m2/nm. Corresponds to the Irr instr output of SHICRIVM.
    4. irr_st_l, where l=2865, 2870, …, 3630: shift-corrected irradiance for a standard triangular slit function at the l wavelength, in W/m2/nm. Corresponds to the Irr st output of SHICRIVM.
    5. shift_l: wavelength shifts calculated by SHICRIVM
    6. mmmm_l: decimal minute from 00:00 at which the measurement at the l wavelength started
    7. duv and duv_cost: erythema-weighted UV irradiances, using the same method as in the standard Brewer software, and the method proposed during COST Action ES1207 (EUBREWNET)
    8. uvi and uvi_cost: UV indexes calculated as duv/25 and duv_cost/25, respectively
    9. correction_flag: binary flag with the corrections applied. For the complete list of corrections and their flag values see here
  • Debug output: if the debug argument is passed in the URL, this function additionally returns the following fields:
    1. irr_l16_l: L1.6 irradiance at wavelength l
    2. shicrivm_qaqc: SHICRIVM's QA/QC flag colors
  • Rejected output: if the rejected argument is passed in the URL, UVL2 also returns the observations flagged as black, grey, or red by SHICRIVM, and aditionally returns the field:
    1. filter_flag: filter flag for each observation

codes/uvaccess.txt · Last modified: 2024/09/19 13:18 by jlsolano