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Inside each Brewer directory (/data/home/brewer033, /data/home/brewer070…), there are several important directories:

  • input/ Inside this directory, Brewer data files are uploaded using client application.
  • replace/ The directory holds those files to be replaced. They have to be transfered via ftp by the operators.
  • error/ This one contains files with errors. Inside, there are several subdirectories, one for each type of error.
    • changed/ Some Brewer files change size. When this happens, the new file contains the same information as the old one plus the new information, increasing size. If this fails to happen, a change error occurs. Files with change errors are placed in this directory.
    • date/ Whenever a date error (non-valid dates) happens in a file, it is moved to this directory.
    • name/ These one holds files with an error in its name (wrong extensions,…).
    • parse/ Files with important errors are stored inside this folder (corrupted files, junk files, etc.)
    • unknown/ This directory should not contain any file. If there is a file with an error unknown to this application, it should be located here. Please, contact the system administrator in such situation.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Directories 'input', and 'replace' of each Brewer can only hold files from that particular Brewer; otherwise the file will be considered to have an error. IMPORTANT NOTE: On 'replace' directories only put alredy recognized files there is a bug on the processig program who stops the process if unrecognized files are fonud on replace directory

Error Description:

  • Date. There is a problem with date or time of the file. Possibly, the date of the file does not match with the date in the name of the file(e. g., date 01-01-2004 in a B file with name Another date error results when the time inside a file is recorded in the wrong order (the right way is rising in time)
  • Name. The file name is not recognized.
  • Parse. There is an error in the file format.
  • Changed. The newer version of files should contain data from the older version. Case this does not happen, a Changed error is triggered.


/data/bin/ [[-b|<brewerid>]] {<input directories>}
Ej: /data/bin/ -b 070 /data/home/brewer070/input /data/home/brewer070/input

The Admin. then update the system with the files located in data directory. Several checks are carried out. Some of them are:

  • The file name should be correct.
  • The file should include the file with the same name present in the system before update.
  • The date inside the file and the name of the file (which contains information of the date) match.

The error-free files are placed in (/data/brewer). If file type is B, AVG, UV, ICF, U, QL o UVR, the data file are also filled in the data base of the system. When the file has an error, it is moved to and appropiate error directory

export PYTHONPATH=/data/var/iberonesia2www:/data/include
export PERL5LIB=/data/include:/data/include/defs:/data/bin:/data/etc
/data/bin/ prod

The Admin. does not need to execute any of the above mentioned works, since the process of adquisition and update is automatically done by this application every 15 minutes from 06:00 to 22:00 hours. Therefore the Admin. and the Brewer operators only need to place the files in the appropiate directories.

iberonesia_operator_manual.1425031409.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/02/27 10:03 by